Macaria poster art by Sam Bertken.
After thousands of years, Macaria, the eternally-teenaged daughter of Hades and Persephone, has had enough of her so-called life in the Underworld. Time to learn what it's like up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun.
A life-affirming play about the princess of death.
Cast: 3F, 2M (with doubling) or 6F, 6M (no doubling)
Run time: 35 minutes
Development History: Commissioned by the San Francisco Olympians Festival, who presented a staged reading of it in Fall 2016. Cast: Amitis Rossoukh (Macaria), Dillon Siedentopf (Hades/Charon/Chronus), Charlie Gray (Persephone/Aphrodite/Athena), Devin Kasper (Hermes/Apollo/Albert Camus), Kate Rose Reynolds (Demeter/Hestia). Director: Laylah Muran de Assereto. Macaria received a further developmental reading as part of Custom Made Theatre Company’s Undiscovered Works program in December 2018. Cast: Hailey Cowden (Macaria), John Ferreira (Hades/Charon/Chronus), Rhonda Taylor (Persephone/Aphrodite/Athena), Brian Martin (Hermes/Apollo/Albert Camus), Briel Pomerantz (Hestia/Demeter). Director: Michelle Elaine Ianiro.
Macaria is available for production and is especially suited for middle school drama programs who are looking for irreverent but educational takes on classical mythology.